navigator.appname netscape ie11

IE11, Firefox, Chrome and Safari returns "Netscape" IE 10 and earlier versions return "Microsoft Internet Explorer " Opera returns "Opera" More Examples Example A demonstration of all navigator properties in one example: var

相關軟體 Netscape 下載

Netscape Navigator 網路瀏覽器 建構在Firefox2.0上的獨立型瀏覽器。 自動修正網址輸入錯誤的功能。 ...

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  • The reason behind this is, the mother of all reasons, compatibility. Back then in the dark...
    Why the javascript navigator.appName returns netscape for Safari ...
  • IE11 no longer reports as MSIE, according to this list of changes, it's intentional to...
    internet explorer - How to detect IE11? - Stack Overflow
  • IE 11 Bug - Shows Wrong App Name when JavaScript function navigator.appName is called Code...
    IE 11 Bug - Shows Wrong App Name when JavaScript function navigator.appName is called | Mi...
  • IE11, Firefox, Chrome and Safari returns "Netscape" IE 10 and earlier versions r...
    Navigator appName Property - W3Schools Online Web Tutorials
  • IE11浏览器:请不要再叫我IE ,谢谢 2013-7-3 11:14:19 来源:nczonline 作者:开源中国翻译 责编:木木 评论 ... •
    IE11浏览器:请不要再叫我IE,谢谢 - IE11,IE浏览器,IE,微软浏览器 - IT之家
  • navigator.appName IE 傳回 Microsoft Internet Explorer, IE11 傳回 Netscape Firefox, Safari, Chr...
    navigator.appName 瀏覽器偵測 - JavaScript
  • Why does navigator.appName return "Netscape" for Safari, Firefox and Chrome? Wha...
    html - Why does JavaScript navigator.appName return Netscape for Safari, Firefox and Chrom...
  • navigator.appName navigator.appVersion After all, you are trying to detect a browser's...
    Using the navigator object to detect client's browser
  • Property values Type: String Microsoft Internet Explorer Returned by Internet Explorer 10 ...
    appName property (Internet Explorer)
  • The reason behind this is, the mother of all reasons, compatibility. Back then in the dark...
    Why the javascript navigator.appName returns netscape for Safari, Firefox and chrome? - Qu...
  • })"); if (re.exec(ua) != null) rv = parseFloat( RegExp.$1 ); } else if (
    javascript 判斷 IE 11 – 張小捲的私生活
  • 2013年1月29日 - UPDATE 1: According to Compatibility Changes; IE11 now also returns "Ne...
    Why does JavaScript navigator.appName return Netscape for Safari ...
  • 2015年8月1日 - userAgent, I looked at navigator.appName to distinguish if it was IE<=10 o...
    html - How can I detect Internet Explorer (IE) and Microsoft Edge using ...
  • JavaScript 瀏覽器偵測Browser Detection navigator.userAgent ... navigator.appName IE 傳回Microsoft...
    navigator.appName 瀏覽器偵測- JavaScript - 漢頡網棧
  • 2013年11月20日 - else if (navigator.appName == 'Netscape' ). {. var ua = navigator.u...
    javascript 判斷IE 11 – 張小捲的私生活
  • The appName property returns the name of the browser. ... navigator.appName ... IE11, Fire...
    Navigator appName Property - W3Schools
  • 使用Internet Explorer 11,您能夠與網站標準、其他瀏覽器以及實際網站更相容。 ... navigator.appName 屬性現在會傳回"Netscap...
    IE11 中的相容性變更(Windows) - MSDN - Microsoft
  • The navigator object was conceived back in the days when Netscape Navigator ... In IE11 Wi...
    Using the navigator object to detect client's browser - JavaScript Kit
  • The reason behind this is, the mother of all reasons, compatibility. Back then in the dark...
    Why the javascript navigator.appName returns netscape for Safari ...
  • IE11 no longer reports as MSIE, according to this list of changes, it's intentional to...
    internet explorer - How to detect IE11? - Stack Overflow